Gray Lane Yoga

The Ultimate Asana - Yoga for Change
with Kelsey Hahn


March 14 (Friday)
at 6:00 pm

Class length
180 minutes

Registration Requirements

Pay $50 Registration Fee HERE

Complete THIS Google Form

This event invites participants to embark on a journey of physical and mental endurance as they aim to complete upwards of 108 Sun Salutations within a 2-hour time limit - with space to continue until you are finished. 

5:45 - 6:00P Arrival Window
6:00 - 6:10P Orientation
6:15 - 9:00P Sun Salutations

In addition to your $50 donation for participation,
Participants are encouraged to seek sponsorship for each sun salutation, turning every movement into support for the Maitri Initiative and the Cedar Valley Angels, which provide free trauma-informed yoga and mindfulness for families’ well-being.


You must sign-in to book a spot in this class.

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